Every year at the end of June there's an exodus into San Francisco, and by Sunday, it's at my doorstep. Hearing the techno, the tecccchnoooo, at 10am makes it official; it's here, and it's queer! This year Chaz Bono was Grand Marshall of the parade.
People come from all over to join in the sex-tivities of Pride weekend. The people are having a good-ole time, but it feels like the whole city vibrates from the excitement. As for me, I've always had to work that day. For the most part, I prefer to stay away from ridiculously huge, incredibly large, groups of people. With so many people in the same vicinity, they seem to loose their minds when they get together at the same time. A lot of people have a lot of fun, but there are others who come to the city and cause serious problems. On Saturday there was a shooting on Market and 7th, you can read more about it here. Although the police attribute the violence to gangs, innocent people get hurt. It's not good. That being said, I'll reiterate, a lot of people have a lot of fun...For example, there's a hotel across the street that had a pool party. When I say pool party you think people in the hot sun, swimming around, having fun, cooling off in the pool, right?! Not at this pool party. At this pool party, people stand around the pool, hang out and drink. They don't actually get in the pool. Where do you think we are anyway, LA? The sun was out, but it definitely wasn't hot enough for a dip, well, not in the pool anyway! People rent the rooms so they can retreat and relax after a "stressful" day of drinking and partying! Well, that's what a little gay birdie told me anyway!
I wasn't there long, but here are a few more pictures from pride...