I don't understand what this sign says, they tell me the restaurant's called Lers Ros, but it doesn't really matter when I sit down to eat here. What I do know, is that I love Lers Ros. They know me, I’m a regular here. When I pass the servers on the street that know me, we smile and wave. You can find it on Larkin between Ellis and O‘farrell. Before Lers Ros, I had been going two extra blocks to Thai House Express to get me some yum yums. My staple there was Pad See-Ew, pan-fried flat noodles with chicken and broccoli. I was a regular there too.
But it all changed when Lers Ros opened. My go to, have-to-have, the pork belly (#62), crispy on the outside, spicy and delicious. Lers Ros, made me okay with spicy, made me need spicy.
The Pork Belly

The Raw Prawns Salad

One of my favorites, is in the salad section of the menu, (# 15) raw prawns in lime dressing with chilies, mint and lime dressing. They also have whole sea bass (# 112) in lime juice with chopped chilies. The menu is so extensive, I haven’t even scratched the surface. Other items include, fried garlic frog appetizer, great beef, pork and chicken dishes, as well as, curries, soups and plenty of rice and veggie plates.
Open 11am-midnight.
But, it’s not over. One day, not too long ago, I’m walking along, headed to Hayes Valley, criss-crossing along the way, and what do I see…deception!

WHhhhhhhAAaaaatttt is THIS?! Lers Ros in Hayes Valley! No way! It can’t be true. I’m sad and confused. I feel betrayed!
I've come to an uneasy understanding: It was bound to happen, with such awesome food. It must expand to accommodate its hungry guests. Let’s just hope that Hayes Valley appreciates you as much as we do. Just don’t leave the TL, we will always need your delicious spicy food in our bellies.