Is the longest wait.
I've recently started a new job. With a new job comes a new mode of transport, since I don't drive. I now take a bus that picks me up right in front of my house. Upside: Not having to wait around for said transport; I run downstairs with only a few minutes to spare. Downside: When I leave my apartment building and step onto the sidewalk, it's a new experience each day.
Like a few days ago...
I leave my house and run outside checking to see if the bus is indeed down the street, when something across the street catches my eye. I look harder, squinting even, not quite sure what's happening and why I'm trying to see it so bad...Awwww man, a dude doing a really poor job at concealing his penis while he uses the sidewalk as his personal urinal. Note to self: Stop noticing what happens across the street. There's always a lesson to learn in the TL.
And today...
As I'm leaving the building a noise begins to grow outside. I slow a bit, realizing I may not want to even go outside. But my bus, my bus, that will take me to work, and out of this neighborhood, is coming. I open the gate and leave the relative safety of my building. To my right, and on the corner, there are two large black men beating on each other. There's also another fatter man with a bike who gets caught up in the action, and after he's thrown back and trips on his bike, he begins to shout that he'll be calling the police. Alright that's settled, the police will be called, and as I grow increasingly agitated by the scenario, I'm hoping my bus shows up NOW and these guys do not end up stumbling my way. Just my luck, I'll be caught in the fray, and get punched. I've never enjoyed serious confrontations. I survey my surroundings to see if anyone will be stepping in to stop them. There are guys hanging from their first floor apartments recording the action on their phone, no luck there. One of the fighting guys end up backing into a car while it's stopped at a red light. People look on as I wait for the bus, as far away as I can be from the fight, without leaving the bus stop. All this has happened in the matter of a few minutes. By the time my bus is approaching, the two brawling men are breathing heavily and hugging. This reminds me of when professional boxers get tired during a fight. As I take my seat on the bus, the men seemed to have joined forces, and are pleading with the other guy to not call the cops, on account they're brothers.
Haha, I liked that last story. Good ending.
ReplyDeleteI have a quote too! I saw a guy get picked up for soliciting a prostitute. Another guy (shaking his head in disapproval) says: "It's a cold world we live in when a man can't even get a shot of pussy."